Jamie's Tips and Freebies: Couponing How- to

Couponing How- to

Where can I find coupons?

Well I think I have demonstrated all the places online to print coupons. There are also alot of other places to find coupons.
*family and friends that do not coupon but get the Sunday paper. Ask them to save the inserts for you.

*Coupon Inserts can be purchased: http://shop.whole-couponinserts.com/  That is one example but you can do a goggle search and come up with more options. Buying coupon inserts is about the same price as purchasing a paper but you will get more than one insert and they usually are the regional coupons. (making them better than what we get in Broome County).

*Stores like CVS and Wegmans tend to carry other area papers and usually at a cheaper price. So check out your local stores and see what you can find.

*Grocery Stores/Pharmacy's always have coupon pads or coupon machines. You can even find little coupon holders on frozen section doors. Some stores like Walgreen's have monthly coupon books next to the sale ads by the front door. ALWAYS have your eyes open when your in any store. My 7 year old can spot coupons an aisle away :)

*Gas Stations have tear pads/peelies around special sporting evens or holidays. In gas stations you can find coupons for candy, soda, chips etc. (snacky stuff)

*ALWAYS look inside product boxes when you open them. You would be surprised how many times you will find high value coupons. I opened a box of Gorton's Grilled Fish and there was a $2.00 off one coupon.

*9 out of 10 times when you receive a free sample there will be high value coupons included.

*when you order online from places like Amazon.com or CVS.com they will throw in free samples or coupon books.

*Magazines like Better homes & gardens have several coupons in each issue. There is a magazine called All You and it is FULL of coupons. CVS also has a similar one that you can purchase in store.

*Email: after signing up for notifications or for a sample you will continue to get emails and they tend to have special coupons that you can print

*Like all you favorite companies on facebook. They will regularly throw out special coupons

*taking part in a Coupon Train is a great way to get coupons. People that tend to take part in coupon trains are from all different states making the variety nice.

*Have a mommy's coupon clip night. Invite some of your fellow coupon moms over for wine and coupons. Each mom would bring their unwanted coupns and would swap with each other.

*Company Websites- go to your favorite product websites and go to their contact us section. Send them a quick few sentencing telling them how much you love their product and ask for coupons. Make sure to include your complete mailing list. Some companies will not send you anything but then you have ones that will mail you a stack of coupons. I have been pretty successful doing this.

I feel as if I am missing some so as I think of them I will continue to update!

How To Shop At Walgreen's

Register Rewards
Become familiar with Register Rewards (RR). Register Rewards (a.k.a. Catalina coupons) are manufacturer coupons that print out from a Catalina machine at the register after you have completed your transaction. The Register Rewards print out after you buy a participating product, which may be advertised in Walgreens weekly ad. There are also Register Reward deals that are not advertised in the weekly ads but are posted inside the store.
Register Rewards are manufacturer coupons. When you have a RR in hand to use, you can only use ONE RR per item purchased. For example: If you are purchasing three items, you can use up to a combination of three manufacturer coupons and/or RRs. If you attempt to use more than three, the register will beep. If you run into a situation where you have more manufacturer coupons/RRs to use than products, look for “filler” items to add to your purchase. Fillers are inexpensive items, and they allow you to apply more coupons at checkout. Great options for filler items include clearance merchandise, small candies, and pencils. Note: Walgreens store coupons do NOT count towards your coupon-to-item ratio. In other words, the register will not beep if you are using more Walgreens coupons than items.
If you purchase more than one of the same Register Reward participating item per transaction, you will only receive one Register Reward–NOT two! In order to get more than one RR coupon when purchasing more than one of the same qualifying items, request that each item be rung up on a separate transaction. However, you can purchase different Register Reward qualifying items in the same transaction, and you will receive one RR for each DIFFERENT qualifying Register Reward item purchased.
Another important thing to note is that Register Reward deals do NOT roll! This means that if your receive a $2RR for purchasing Huggies diapers, you cannot use this same RR to purchase another package of Huggies diapers and expect another $2RR to be generated.
You CAN use Register Rewards from a different deal to pay for another Register Reward deal–which means you can roll Register Rewards from different deals to help lower your out-of-pocket expense.
Walgreen's Coupons
Learning how to correctly use Walgreens coupons will ensure that you have a smooth transaction. Coupons are posted in the Walgreens weekly ad and in Walgreens coupon booklets – located at the front of the store, in the pharmacy area, and even in a $0.99 children’s activity booklet. With so many places to find coupons, it can be a bit confusing!
Walgreens coupons do NOT count towards your coupon-to item-ratio. In other words, the register will not beep if you are using more Walgreens coupons than items. Remember that Register Rewards and other manufacturer coupons can only be used once per each item purchased.
When you are using a combination of Walgreens coupons and manufacturer coupons, always hand over the manufacturer coupons first and then the Walgreens store coupons. Why? In order to get coupon overage which can then be used towards other items. If you use the manufacturer coupon after the Walgreens store coupon, the register will beep to indicate that the value of the coupon is greater than the value of the item… BUT, if you give the cashier the manufacturer coupon first, the register won’t react. Both coupons will go through without any beeps, and you’ll get the coupon overage!
New Balance Reward Program
As of 9/16/2012, Walgreens has rolled out a brand new rewards program called Balance Rewards! You can enroll in-store, online or via the mobile app and begin earning points and special savings, and start redeeming rewards
Earning Points
Balance Rewards Members will earn points with the purchase of specified products and/or services during specified promotions periods. Online orders delivered to your home will earn points as if purchased in store. Online orders picked up in store will earn points after the items have been picked up from the store. Points will be awarded to the Member’s account 3-5 days after purchase. Members can also earn points for making healthy choices, such as getting an immunization or participating in Walk with Walgreens (walk.walgreens.com).
*Walgreens reserves the right to limit points awarded with respect to any offer or promotion to reasonable household quantities. On a return and/or exchange the Points will be deducted from the Member’s account that was used for the original purchase.
Redeeming Points
Your points will be equal to the following rewards, redeemable for redemption dollars:
When you choose to redeem your points, they will be converted into redemption dollars to be used on your purchase. Redemption dollars cannot be paid out in cash or in store credit.
Points Expiration
Keep in mind that if you do not earn or redeem points for 6 consecutive calendar months, the membership will be deemed to be inactive and all accumulated Points will beforfeited. For active Members, all Balance Rewards Points expire on a rolling 36 month basis.

Other Helpful Information
If you are planning to buy mass quantities of a sale item, it is beneficial to contact the store and order the item in advance. You can order up to 99 of a particular item in advance. This is much better than coming in on the first day of a sale and completely cleaning out the shelves. There really is such a thing as coupon etiquette!! Walgreens will most likely want you to pay for the order of items in advance, so be sure to have all applicable coupons in hand!
Rain Checks: Walgreens does issue rain checks! Rain checks are good for in-store purchases only and valid for 30 days. In some instances, a store employee may authorize the substitution of a similar item of the same brand at the advertised price.
Buy One, Get One Free Items: If there is a Buy One, Get One free or a Buy Get One 50% Off promotion, you can use two coupons for the items. You can also use a Buy One, Get One free coupon for items that are currently part of a Buy One, Get One free promotion–this essentially makes both items FREE!

CVS - Extra Care Bucks Program

Extra Care Bucks or ECBs are CVS rewards that will give you money back to spend in the store however you want (a few exclusions apply). Always remember to have the cashier scan your Extra Care card first so you never miss out on the Extra Care Bucks! Every week, there will be Extra Care Buck deals advertised in the weekly ad. Basically you will have to purchase a select product, and then, after purchasing the item, you will get a certain amount of Extra Care Bucks back. The Extra Care Bucks will come in the form of a coupon at the end of your receipt. These Extra Care Buck items will come with different limits. Some items will give you one ECB per card… other items may give you five ECBs. Sometimes there will even be FREE after Extra Care Buck items advertised! This means that you will buy an item for a certain amount and then get that same amount back after purchasing the item in the form of Extra Care Bucks! And even sweeter, if you have a manufacturer coupon to use on the free after Extra Care Buck item, then you’ll turn this deal into a moneymaker!
You will also earn 2% cash back in the form of Extra Care Bucks on every purchase in-store and online. Every three months these Extra Bucks will print out at the end of your receipt. If you are a really great CVS shopper–which means you spend very little out of pocket–this amount won’t be too much… BUT every little bit helps and it’s like scoring FREE money on items you would have purchased anyway! You can also earn one Extra Care buck for every two prescriptions purchased in-store or online.

Rolling Extra Care Bucks
Once you start getting the hang of CVS, you’ll be able to “roll” your Extra Care Bucks! This means that you’ll be able to purchase new Extra Care Buck deals on a regular basis while rolling Extra Care Bucks earned from previous weeks to purchase them! And that means, you’ll be spending little to NO money out of pocket! Once you get really good, you’ll start profiting off these deals. How? Well, when you stack manufacturer coupons on top of Extra Care Buck deals, you can really come out ahead!
Here’s an example: CVS has Suave Shampoo on sale for $1, and it will generate a $1 Extra Care Buck (ECB) after purchasing one. Plus, you have a $0.50/1 manufacturer coupon. You’ll end up only paying $0.50 out of pocket, but then you’ll get back a $1 Extra Care Buck–netting you a $0.50 profit for purchasing Suave! This extra money earned can go towards much needed items like diapers and milk!
Stacking Coupons
Always be on the lookout for other CVS store product coupons. These can be stacked with manufacturer coupons for even more savings! Some will print out at the end of your receipt, after your Extra Care Bucks.
Once you’re ready to checkout, put your coupons in this order: $4 off $20 store coupon (or any other money-off store coupon), CVS store product coupons, manufacturer coupons and finally Extra Care Bucks.
Buy One Get One
Are you worried about CVS not accepting two coupons on a Buy One, Get One Free sale – or not allowing you to use a Buy One, Get One Free coupon on a Buy One, Get One Free sale to essentially get two items for free?
In the case where a particular item is on sale for Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO), you are only allowed to use one manufacturer’s BOGO coupon. For instance, if Revlon lipstick is on sale for BOGO, you can use one manufacturer’s BOGO coupon. You would get both items free and pay any applicable tax. We reserve the right to limit quantities. If our store is running a sale for BOGO, you can use two manufacturer’s coupons for a specific dollar amount off. For example, if Revlon lipstick is on sale at our store for BOGO, you can use two $1.00 off Revlon lipstick manufacturer coupons.

Rite Aid Shopping & UP Rewards

Rite Aid Store Coupons
Store coupons are located in Rite Aid’s weekly ad, and these store coupons can be stacked with manufacturer coupons for even more savings.  Rite Aid offers a Video Values Program. Basically, you spend a few seconds or minutes watching various video advertisements – and, for doing so, you are able to print Rite Aid coupons! Video Values coupons can be stacked with manufacturer coupons for even more savings!

UP Rewards Program
One of the biggest perks of being a Rite Aid Wellness member is the fact that you can take advantage of the +Up Rewards Program. The +UP Reward program is an incentive program that allows manufacturers to provide a +UP Reward to consumers for buying a specific product and/or specific number of products. Each week, different items, which generate a +UP Reward, are advertised in the store circular.
+Up Rewards are automatically loaded to your wellness+ card. To redeem a +Up Reward, simply scan your wellness+ card at check out and the register will automatically recognize eligible +Up Rewards.
In addition, a +Up Reward can only be redeemed starting at 6AM on the day after it was earned and expires 14 days after issue. Please note that you also have the option to receive your +Up Rewards on your register receipts rather than having them loaded on your wellness+ card. If you prefer this paper option, just visit your local Rite Aid store and ask the cashier to switch you to the paper +UP option (you will need to show your wellness+ card or give the phone number associated with your wellness+ account) or call 1‐800‐RITEAID to switch to paper +UPs. If you choose to use paper +UPs, +UP activation will still be at 6AM the day after the +UP is earned.





  1. Know your store's Coupon Policy

    Before you start couponing know and understand your stores coupon policy. I also encourage you to print a coupon and carry it with you when you shop. This way if you run into a cashier or manager who is unfamiliar with coupons or with their store coupon policy, you can whip out the coupon policy and let it do your talking while avoiding a confrontation. Here are some links to store policies:

    CVS Coupon Policy
    https://www.cvs.com/help/help_subtopic_details.jsp?subtopicName=Help with CVS/pharmacy Issues&topicid=200018

    Dollar Tree Coupon Policy

    Kmart Coupon Policy

    Price Chopper Coupon Policy

    Rite Aid Coupon Policy

    Target Coupon Policy

    Walgreen's Coupon Policy

    WalMart Coupon Policy

    Wegman's Coupon Policy

    Weis Coupon Policy

  2. How to have a smooth, stress free checkout!

    How to have a smooth, stress free check out starts before you EVEN leave your home. I will not lie to you, some weeks I will spend 2 days planning and organizing a shopping trip. It all depends on the amount of transactions or the size of the list. Before you leave the house, make a plan of what you want to buy. Write down the items, the prices, and the quantities. If you are doing multiple transactions, separate the items into lists before ever leaving your house. I have everything figured down to the penny so there is less confusion at check out. (you will have a shopping trip or two where it doesn't go perfect, errors do happen)Try to go shopping at non peak times of the day. This will insure that the store isn't busy. I personally like to go shopping in the morning right after the kids go to school or early Sunday mornings. I pick and choose my cashiers. (as you shop the store more often you will learn who the good cashiers are) When I check out I have a routine that I follow, after all the coupons are my cash. I greet the cashier, when they ask if I have coupons I tell them yes. Some will ask for the coupons but I tell them that I prefer to hand them each coupon one at a time after all my items have been rang up. I do it this way now because I have been "screwed" because the cashier tries to go to fast and misses coupons because they stick together. By handing the cashier one coupon at a time it keeps us each at a nice pace and it allows me to watch the screen to make sure the coupon amount comes off the way it should. If a coupon doesn't for some reason ring up, the cashier may look at the picture and say "well you can only buy the item that is pictured" that is FALSE. You do not go by what is pictured on a coupon you go by what is written. If a cashier ever gives you a problem do not hesitate to have the cashier call over the manager. Sometimes cashiers act as if you are taking money from their own pockets. That is why I said that you will learn which cashiers to go to. Never get frustrated and stay positive!!

  3. How do I organize my coupons?

    I am sure most of you have a nice amount of coupons wether they are ones you printed ofline or ones you got from the newpaper and are thinking what to do with them. Well, I feel very strongly that having a great system for organizing is a key factor in being successful at couponing.

    When I first started I organized my coupons in a big 3" binder and used the plastic divider sleeves. I cut all my coupons and organized them in sections. http://thekrazycouponlady.com/beginners/ I followed this site and set my binder up with their free downloadable templates. This system worked for me for several months, but I realized that I was spending hours and hours every day cutting and filing these coupons. I decided there has got to be a better way for me to do this.

    I now use hanging file folders and hot pink milk crates ( the plastic ones you can buy at Staples and other stores for around $5.00). Each file folder has for example: Smart Source insert 1/13/13, and other has Red Plum insert 1/13/13 and so on. I have another file folder for all my printables and any other lose coupons I may have. I don't cut coupons any more until I need them and that is another reason why I love this website: http://moneysavingmom.com/print-coupons/coupon-database

    I search for the coupon I want for example Kotex tampons. The search tells me I can find a coupon for $1.50/2 in the Smart Source insert 1/13/13 so I go to that file folder and cut how ever many of that coupon I want. I also don't print coupons anymore until I need them (unless it is a very RARE high value coupon then I print it). I just found myself printing tons of coupons and never finding a sale to pair them with. So I was throwing money away, wasting paper and wasting ink.

    Some couponers will also carry their binders with them to the store and thats great but that doesn't work for me. I walk into a store with an objective, my list, coupons needed and cash. I do however always have coffee creamer coupons in my purse (I am married to a coffee sales rep) that would be embarrassing to ever run out. lol

    But all joking aside to each their own, organzie how you feel comfortable. If you need any help don't hesitate to ask. Remember organization is key to being a successful couponer.

    Stay calm, Stay cool and have FUN!!

    Love, Jamie

  4. You coupon so that makes you a HOARDER!!

    "You coupon so that makes you a hoarder", is a very FALSE statement and one that upsets me. There are those skeptics that look at couponing as a waste of time and a waste of money. These skeptics usually have money and think they are just to good to use coupons. I admit it years ago I never would have even thought to use coupons, mostly because I just didnt see how it would work. Well, now I regret not couponing sooner and just imagine all the money I threw away for so many years.

    There are two ways to coupon. You have the ones that are "greedy", and you have ones that are the "suppliers".

    Greedy couponers will buy and buy no matter if they already have a 100 of that item already, they are afraid to pass up a deal. If it is free they buy regardless if they will ever use it or not. I am not bad mouthing this system or these people, but they are always buying and never really saving is how I view it.

    The other way to coupon is the way I do it. I am a "supplier". When I am looking for deals I am not only looking for my families needs but also that of people in need. Yes, I do buy free items but only if my family can use it or if it can be donated. If I can get 20 diabetic meters for free you are damn right I am going to get all 20 and donate them to people that really need them. I built my stockpile up so much in the summer that I have been able to focus on paying off debt. I haven't had to purchase: deoderant, shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, make up, laundry soap, household cleaners, paper towels and toilet paper in the last year. Have I passed up some deals along the way, yes I did. But I also paid off half of my families debt by passing on them.

    My stockpile not only supplies my family of five, but also: family, friends, kids classrooms and several donations thru out the year. Couponing is teaching my children math and problem solving skills, value of a dollar, kindness, thinking of others, and paying it forward. After Hurricane Sandy I donated a car load of supplies. I had everything laid out on my dining room table when my son came home from school. He saw all of it and asked what it was and I explained to him what I was doing. He said, that was all from our "mini store" and coupons? I said yes it was, and he was like wow mom that is awesome we are going to be able to help so many people. Hearing that as a mom, I know I am teaching my children that one person can make a difference.

    Again, I am in no way telling you how or what to do with coupons. I just really dislike hearing the HOARDER word when it comes to couponing!

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! I am here to help!

    Keep up the GREAT work, I can't wait to hear more and more of your shopping trips.

    Love, Jamie

  5. Online Coupon Sites to find coupons

    Here is a list of websites where you can find and print coupons. Some of the pages you will need to "sign up" and create a password, but it is all FREE!

    All coupons can be printed 2 times per computer, and coupons are re-set every month.

    Note: All these sites do not always have coupons on them. I will continue to update this list.

    I use the link to search for all current coupons, if there is an active coupon it will tell you here where you can find it. http://moneysavingmom.com/print-coupons/coupon-database


    Coupon Network.com

    Red Plum.com

    Smart Source.com

    All You.com

    Grocery Coupon Network.com

    Mambo Sprouts.com


    Snack Picks.com

    Ready, Set Eat.com

    Very Best Baking.com


    Betty Crocker.com

    Everyday Saver.com

    Cooking With Kraft.com

    Common Kindness.com

    Making Life Better.com

    Home Solutions.com




    Rite Aid.com


    Family Dollar.com


    Arm & Hammer.com



    Post It.com




    Coffee Mate.com

    Land O Lakes.com


    Healthy Essentials.com
